Citizen Rules

1. Safe-zone

  1. Areas & People

    1. All Garages

    2. Hospitals

    3. Legal Job Working People & Legal Job Working Area

    4. Bussiness area

    5. Prison

  2. Situations are not allowed to start in these areas, It is also considered FRP to enter a Safe Zone to avoid a situation.

  3. Players are also requested not to trigger or use weapons within 100 meters of these designated zones.

  4. Players are not allowed to disturb, hurt or take hostage of a legal worker. (News Reporter Not included)

  5. Criminals can be arrested from safe zone.

2. Undercover Operations

  1. With Govt permission, Players are allowed to engage in undercover operations(detective) or espionage(spy).

3. Crypto Currency

  1. Characters can invest in Crypto, contributing to the growth and evolution of the in-game city. This introduces a realistic Crypto trading aspect to the RP.

4. Random Police Raids

  1. Police can raid on criminal enterprises or hideouts (except Gang House).

  2. With a Governor's Search Warrant Police can enter Gang House.

5. Illegal Street Racing

  1. Street Racing are illegal in city where players can organize and participate in races.

  2. If Police found any such activities, this can lead to Vehicle Seizure, Revoking Driving License and Fines.

  3. Driving License will be issued for those who have 18 above in game age.

6. ARMS Rules

  1. Legal Guns can be bought from Ammunition. In Game Age should be 26 for Weapon License

  2. Legal Guns can only be used after getting the Gun License from GCPD.

  3. If you are caught with an illegal weapon in public, the PD have the power to handcuff you and take the weapon away.

  4. Musket Can only be used for hunting.

7. Mask

  1. Mask is illegal in the city. Police will take action against those who wear mask.

8. Staff Authority

  1. If someone is disruptive or suspected of causing trouble, the Staff Team can ban them from our servers at any time, both in-game and OOC.

9. Cross Hostage Scenario

  1. Cross hostage scenario is prohibited.

  2. You can't demand that one person be taken hostage to free another.

10. Emergency Vehicles

  1. You are not permitted to take emergency vehicles of GCPD and GMS.

  2. Any such activity will lead to Ban.

  1. Police can search a citizen only inside a PD.

  2. Police have the right to search both you and your vehicle if they think the individual or his vehicle is suspicious.

  3. It's your responsibility to prove that you are innocent.

  4. Police can only seize illegal items from a citizen.

  5. Police can seize your phone if you are inside PD and in a situation if necessary.

12. Situation

  1. If a player isn't part of an ongoing robbery or shooting situation, then they're not supposed to get involved in the situation to LORE BREAK.

  2. Getting involved will be considered as FRP.

13. Dead Players

  1. Dead Players cannot re-enter in a PD situation.

  2. If found by admins will be kicked immediately.

  3. Dead carry is allowed but if you are doing it in an active shooting situation its a FRP (ex: you can carry your opponent or teammate in situation if all the opponent in vicinity (visual limits) )

  4. You can’t troll GMS by moving a body after someone has died and called GMS.

14. Revenge Roleplay

  1. No one can take revenge roleplay against LCPD or GMS.

  2. Citizen's are not allowed to Kidnap GMS Officers.

15. Cruelty Roleplay

  1. Engaging in cruelty roleplay is permitted conditionally.

  2. However, the topic can be controversial for certain individuals and groups of people. Therefore, you are to either get consent to engage in such roleplay with others or you are to stop the moment that they tell you to stop.

  3. If the interaction involves sexual roleplay then consent is required no matter what.

16. City Economy

In Genx Roleplay, the economy serves as the crucial backbone of the entire community, intricately connecting various aspects of player interactions, influencing everything from job opportunities and business ventures to the availability of resources and services, thereby shaping the unique dynamics and immersive experiences that define the virtual lives of its inhabitants.

  • Admins have the authority to adjust the city's economy by modifying reward levels at any time, either increasing or decreasing them as needed.

17. Ransom Rules

Ransom rules include clear communication, realistic demands, server compliance, negotiation, character consistency, no meta-gaming, safety protocols, documentation, respecting boundaries, and preparing for consequences.

Ransom money should typically range from 50k to 1 lakh to maintain realism and balance within the game's economy.

Last updated